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Friday, June 1, 2012

How to Distribute the Tables at Your Wedding Party

How to Distribute the Tables at Your Wedding Guest Party? Here is the tips and ideas - Assign seats for your guests should not be carelessly.

One of the important aspects of your wedding reception is the distribution of your guests to tables ... is a matter that should be planned thoroughly.

This may be a task that you should spend a long time, but good study that will bestow, depends a good overall result of the banquet.

Then I spent a few of advice that you can not miss if you want that the distribution is best for all

  • The first step is to close as soon as possible the guest list to avoid last minute surprises that change the whole distribution. Important guests call to confirm or exclude doubtful his presence at the wedding, but still may happen that at the last moment someone fails or you have a non-scheduled, but it's best to minimize those risks.
  • After closing the guest list must implement a placement strategy. You can make several family groups primarily dividend-friends, colleagues, within each one for more important and less and also more fun and less. The ideal small round tables, but it depends on where you are conducting the reception. This makes it much easier communication between the guests and nobody will get bored as much as if I could only talk to two people at his side and three in front.
  • It is best to place the most important guests with the couple. Perhaps this is a point of controversy among older relatives, which, if removed, they may feel discriminated against. If no space, you can drive away the most comprehensive, explaining beforehand.
  • We suggest switching the tables of the guests happier and revelers, with the most serious. Avoid having two blocks and human geography, providing that joy is contagious. The friends of the couple are often the most uninhibited, so if the average wedding is serious, or the label of the ceremony is more formal and selected, it should ask them not out of control.
  • Rectangular tables have now been gaining adherents, in this case are a bit more complicated to distribute post by post. It is therefore advisable to divide the guests for tables, but no specific posts, enabling them to be distributed along with whomever they want.
  • We recommend placing a panel at the entrance to the lounge where guests put the distribution of round tables and if, in each position, name and surname of each person.
  • If you and your partner are looking for him boyfriend or girlfriend to a friend or friends, put together to candidates.
  • If there are people of common interests, compatible businesses, professions or possible related similar conversations, you can also try to place them close.
  • It is convenient to have too much space between the tables and they are all crowded. You can identify the area of ​​the table with ornaments or plants.
  • The table of the couple and their parents should be given preference to the other, either in groups or in one end. The first option allows more emphasis to all the tables around the main.
  • In the main table is common to feel engaged. She left her partner. Side of the bride will sit their parents and godparents, the same case is for the groom.
  • After siblings and grandparents have priority both on their respective side.
  • The main table should be the most decorated and illuminated and that more would be.

With these of advice we have given, certainly now think that the task is not so complicated, right??

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